The pirates of Urangi returned
The beautiful hilltop setting of Alma de Sedona is the perfect place to enjoy Sedona outstanding red rock vistas. Relax in our garden area with meditation pond waterfall, walk our Labyrinth, or spend time in the Medicine Wheel. LessVisit hotel websiteE mail hotelRock views from lower level rooms?My wife has mobility issues that make stairs problematic.Are there any of the first floor rooms you would recommend as having good red rock views from within the room?If not how about from the private patio?Also Is parking convenient to the rooms?May 21, 2016AnswerShow all 3 answersHide all answersAre you sure you want to delete this question?DeleteConfirm CancelWhat is your answer?Response from Michelle A Reviewed this property I was in a room called “Del Sol” first floor.
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